Welcome to the River Surf Lab!
What is this site all about? On the River Surf Lab you will find unbiased reviews of river surf gear. No BS, just my honest opinion of gear that I have tested extensively (not just once or twice).
I am not a sponsored athlete. I do not get paid to review any of this gear. I pay for everything I review with my own money (and usually at full price).
Why do it? I enjoy finding the best gear and setup for any given river wave. There is also a major lack of unbiased opinions from unaffiliated reviewers. Most reviews you find on the internet for river surf gear is from sponsored athletes promoting their brands. This site uses what I enjoy doing to fill a void that currently exists.
All of the reviews currently on this site originally were posted my blog SUP for the Soul. They have all been permanently moved to the River Surf Report. Future reviews will expand out from SUP river surfing to include shortboarding and other gear and tools that are specific to river surfing.
If you want to stay updated, follow the River Surf Lab on Instagram, Facebook, or Twitter!