Lib Tech Pickup Stick 6'6"

Review: Lib Tech Pickup Stick 6’6″

4 out of 5.

Lib Tech Pickup Stick 6'6"


Summary: The Lib Tech 6’6″ Pickup Stick is a great board for large river waves that aren’t steep enough for smaller boards. Continue reading for the full review…

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The Pickup Stick is best suited for large river waves. It really shines when the wave isn’t steep enough to easily surf low volume shortboards, or when you need a bit of extra paddling speed to catch the wave from upstream. Glenwood and Springdale are good examples of waves where this board works best. Lunch Counter outside of the ideal flow range is also a good place to surf this board.

Small river waves and holes often don’t suit the Pickup Stick very well. The Pickup Stick doesn’t have enough volume to surf small holes. Small waves and adjustable shortboard features are usually too steep and compact to fit the 6’6″ length. Even a small wave without a steep drop in front of it, like Pueblo’s 3rd wave, doesn’t have enough power to surf the Pickup Stick.

Lib Tech Pickup Stick 6'6"

Even though it’s just 6’6″, the Pickup Stick has a longboard feel. You can surf it off the tail, or your can shuffle forward and back on the board to build speed between turns. It feels a little short to cross step on, but I usually give it a shot anyways.

For experience levels, the Pickup Stick feels best suited for intermediate to expert river surfers. Beginner river surfers should probably look for a higher volume board. Although an experienced ocean surfer who prefers longboarding and who is just starting out in the river would likely enjoy this board.

Lib Tech Pickup Stick 6'6"

Like all Lib Tech surfboards, the construction is top notch. Not only is it durable, but it also won’t absorb water in the event of dings. However after two seasons of use, the Pickup Stick hasn’t gotten a single ding.

Lib Tech Pickup Stick 6'6"

If you’re considering the 6’6″ Pickup Stick, you should also look at the Lib Tech Lost Freak Flag Bean Bag. The FFBB works well on a lot of the same waves as the Pickup Stick. The biggest difference is that the FFBB comes in a shorter, wider package that doesn’t feel quite as much like a longboard.

The 6’6″ Pickup Stick is a great board on the right waves. It does have a limited useful wave range. I would only recommend it to someone who is wanting expand their quiver and is looking for a good big wave board.

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